

7 Self-Care tips for diabetes

Diabetes Self-Care: 7 Key Practices There’s no question that diabetes is a severe medical condition. It’s also one that can be accompanied by feelings of...

Winter freeze

Winter-Proof Your Diabetes Management: 7 Surprising Hacks to Try Once again, the seasons have turned the corner, and we find ourselves heading into the winter...

Revolutionizing Insulin Access: Amazon Pharmacy's Latest Move

How Amazon Pharmacy is Making Insulin More Affordable In 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act was passed, capping the cost of insulin among seniors, including those...

Blood Sugar Control

Diabetes and Blood Sugar Control There are more than 37 million people in the United States living with diabetes, and most are doing their level...

Diabetes and Mental Health

Diabetes and Mental Health Diabetes is not for the faint of heart. Whether you’re living with Type 1 diabetes in which the pancreas cannot produce...

Diabetes and Weighted Blankets

Could a Weighted Blanket Help Manage Your Diabetes Symptoms?  Weighted blankets have grown in popularity, but are they right for those with diabetes? There are...

World Diabetes Day

National Diabetes Month & World Diabetes 2023 Every November individuals and groups that advocate for the diabetes community stand together to spread the word about...

Diabetes and Heart Disease

Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease – The Role of Genetics and Lifestyle People living with diabetes (and there are more than 32 million here in the...

Diabetes Cases Will Reach 1 Billion by 2050

Alarming Projections for Diabetes Worldwide It’s not exactly breaking news to learn that diabetes is on the rise. We’ve been watching the disease, particularly cases...

Diabetes and Headaches

Can diabetes cause headaches? Quick answer. Yes. In fact, though not the most common symptom of diabetes, headaches can be a warning sign that diabetes...

Diabetes and cancer: Is there a link?

Is there a link between diabetes and cancer? Most people living with diabetes understand that the disease itself isn’t the only thing we have to...

Fear of Hypoglycemia

How to Overcome the Fear of Hypoglycemia If you’re managing Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, most days you have a lot on your plate...

Diabetes and Rapid Weight Loss

Unexplained Weight Loss: What does it have to do with diabetes? If you ask a lot of people, they’ll tell you that a little rapid...

Type 2 diabetes and magnesium deficiency

Magnesium and Type 2 Diabetes For those living with diabetes, what we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our blood sugar levels...

How Anemia and diabetes are related

How Anemia and diabetes are related If you count yourself among the more than 30 million individuals in the United State living with diabetes, you’re probably...

Diabetes and Cystic Fibrosis

What is Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD)? Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an inherited medical disorder that leads to severe damage of the lungs, digestive tract, and...